Monday, September 29, 2008

i forgot to mention

I also hung out with Anna and met her really adorably ugly little pooch. We had a great time. I love Anna.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I would like to thank the acadamy....

I would like to thank the academy for my lovely week in New York.
I would like to thank the city for having some really great whether during my stay
I would like to thank the people at At&t for fixing my phone issues giving me a new sim card and finding out how to make my old complicated phone get my voice mail
I would like to thank the people of West Harlem for their kind compliments about how beautiful i am as i walked down the street, something i did not miss while i was in israel
I would like to thank shane for his hospitality and for carrying my suite cases up and down his four flights of stairs at early hours of the morning
I would like to thank super shuttle for not filling the shuttle up so much that people were sitting in each others laps and for getting me to the airport so god damn early so i can write this to you
I would like to thank the man out side the terminal who was so deceivingly kind to help me with my many bags and then ask for money i was not aware i had to pay him
I would like to thank Jet blue for making this messy new terminal situation as convenient and organized as possible
I would also like to thank jet blue for this wonderul wi fi
and i reserve my last thank you to the stupid lady who made my burrito, who with impecable customer service judged the shit out of me for wanting meat and vegitables as well as rice in my burrito.
Really every one, it has been great and i thank you all.

While some of those thank yous were rather sarcastic i do thank all my friends for their hospitalilty and nice catch up sessions.
I spent the week hopping couches but mostly at Shanes place on the upper and i mean upper west side. I stayed with my girls Katie and Norrell that was a lovely girls night of stories. I visited with my darling Steph and ate some yummy wholefoods. I shot a video audition for the movie in california and spent some time in Long Island althought too short as always it seems to be.

oooo i have to board!
I'll finish later

ok since i don't feel ike restructuring this post i will continue from here.

So now i am in chicago. I got to elie's amazing apartment. Quite hotelly but livable. The bed was super comfy and this couch that i am sitting is not making me complain either.
His view is redicoulouse, right in the middle of the busy city of chicago.

Last night we got to enjoy some of the more relaxed homy parts of chicago. I enjoy those parts much more. We, being my and my sister love Betsy, went to be a aprt of the first american audiance ever to see Dirty Dancing the musical. It was fun, something i am glad i didnt pay for, but fun. Then elie and I being starving took the bus wth Betsy back to her area and we went to this real cute hippy diner place, it felt like something out of Santa Cruize. Very yummer grilled cheese sandwhich and milk shake. then saw betsys new digs. Gorgeouse apartment that she has really made into a beautiful home, and she was right, the best part was the rough top. Really great place.
And them home again home again jiggity jig.
To the comfy plush pillows and bedding awaiting us.
I slept in and enjoyed relaxing and am now here on the computere.
The whether was absolutly gorgeous yesterday sunny and warm and today it has gone to cold and gray. I think i might go buy a rain coat.
Oh! I forgot to mention, due to sad complications that can only happen in the city, i do not have any winter clothes with me here is this city we like to call the windy city. I will deal, i am just hoping that the winter i will be experiancing this year is a californian one, so by comparison virtually no winter. I have a couple of long shirts and my long pj pants and jeans but that is about it. I was kicking myself in the butt for packing it for israel but now it seems that life has once agian worked out the way that it should have. see its not always smart to pack light my ferinds (Guy).

anyway i have nothing to do today. Elie is at work till probably late afternoon. so i am home alone. I figureed i might go grocery shopping and organize some of elies stuff here. but thats pretty much it.

Rosh Hashanah is right around the coner, shanah tova to everyone. Elie and i will be having a lovely dinner here. I am planing on making him do brachot which my family does every year but i don't think he has ever done them. I look forward to it. Once again life has turned out how it should, becuase if i weren't here probably elie would be ringing in the jewish new year on his own. this is best.
The Dynamic Duo is together again and are once again complete.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Israeli Weddings, Cambodians, and The Flight

SO i know it has been a long time since i wrote. Things have been busy and not so busy so i didn't feel it so necessary to update.

My parents got here, it was nice to see them and even thought our time together was short and i had to share them with all kinds of people it was still nice to see them.

Guy and i have been talking every day since i got back. It talk to eachother before bed. There are days that are still harder than others but being able to talk so easily while i have been here and in the same time zone as him is something i am not looking forward to leaving. I have every internet chatting program downloaded to computer and am looking into israeli telephone lines over the internet so it think i am as prepared as possible to return to the states from that stand point.

From another stand point returning is kind of hard. Leaving this country where i have really gotten the hang of living here and entering a new world full of unknowns and decision to make is not as inviteing as one may think. I don't even know where i will be a week from now.....
But i am hanging in there, breathing deep, and trying to stay calm, i think thats all that can be expected of me. I will keep you posted once the powers that be let me in on the plans.

So the past few days and my first encounter with cambodians.
My dads buisness partners from Cambodia (not the tree people the island people) came for the wedding of my dad's buisness partner and very good friend's daughter (did you guys catch all that?). So since my dad's friend was busy giving his daughter away and all that entails we were incharge of showing them a good time in Israel. We took them all over. The first day we took them to this place in the middle of the desert where they grow cherry tomatoes, raise turkeys, keep bees, and make wine. This place wasn't so amazing but it was cool to see how all this can be in the middle and i mean absolutly in the middle of nowhere in the desert. What was cooler was the story of how they got there. The woman that showed us around told us the stroy of how she was a young early 20's idealist she and a few other like her moved out to the Sanai Desert when it still belonged to Israel to start a new living. After the the peace agreement with Eygpt they were moved back in to Israeli teritory. For whatever reasons they still wanted to live by themseves there. There were maybe a few families and they started seeing what they could do for a living, somehow they got to cherry tomatoes, and built greenhoueses and got the government to help build a desalinization(?) plant to remove salt from the only water source they had (a huge saltwater spring under the ground) and now they have grown to about 100 families they bring in workers from thailand and vietnam and they seriousley live there in the middle of nowhere. I don't know if i told the whole story right but i hope you guys got it.

That night we went to what is a Moracan wedding tradition called a Cheena party. Cheena in hebrew means Hena. Basically they have a big party with really sweet pastries and candies and everyone wheres fun traditional marocan clothing and then they put hena in the palm of the bride and guests for luck. it was a lot of fun with everyone danceing to crazy israeli music and just going wild (the open bar helped). Now i have a lovely little orange mark to bring me luck to show or it.

The next day we took the cambodians to the dead sea to float, Masada to see some historical excavation and learn some jewish history, and to a chinese restaurant (They are actually chinese camboadians so they were missing "normal" food) where we met a chinese man who spoke hebrew. (That was very interesting i have never met a hebrew speaking chinese man let a lone a chinese zionist).

The next day was the wedding. Also impressive, so much food and open bar from 12-8 when we finally decided we needed to leave even though the dancing and the drinking was still going. The caremony was simple and short (Israeli). The rabbai sang the whole time and made jokes between the blessings. After that we ate and then because the wedding was on a friday and shabbat starts friday night they needed to close up the play at around 4. So they said we have to close here but if you go to the other side of the fence there is more food and drinks and dancing. The brides friends were absolutly crazy, she was already sitting on the side having a cigerette and her frineds were still dancing to the wee hours of the morning as i understand it.
The place was absolutly gorgeouse and along the beach. We watched a beautiful sunset and had a great time. It was really beautiful and the simple casualness of the israeli wedding lacked in nothing. The bride was absolutly beautiful in her 20's evoking ensamble.

All in all i am glad i stayed to meet the cambodians, be there for the wedding, and spend a little time with my parents.

I am not totally ready to go back yet but what can you do, there comes a time when we all have to face the music and my dad is playing it very loudly right now in the oter room.

So heres to a nice long flight hope i will sleep through, and i will see on the other side of the planet.

see you soon.

Friday, September 12, 2008

ok so i'm not sure how much time i have right now to write but i figured i should because i havn't written all week.

Let's see where to start. I've been back here for almost a week now but feels like way longer. The goodbyes in the airport were as coupld be imagined tearful. It took me a while to get a grip on myself and calm down once i got back too. But each day has been different, a little better for the most part, and i am doing alright.

I spent a night by myself when i first got here just to have some silent time and then joined Guy's family at his house, i won't so the first night was easy, but i think it was the better choice in the end. I am probably am doing the same things i would be doing if i were alone at my aunts but instead there are people around me. This is good. I've also been out with a couple of Guy's freinds since i got back and that was nice as well.

Today i am going to Natanya to spend the shabbat with some old family freinds. Me and the eldest sone used to be bosom buddies around the ages of 9 and 10 and i now havn't seen him for about 5 years. really thats it? feels longer.....anyway they left for israel when right after daniel had his bar mitzvah and now he's 18 so that means about 5 years. thank you for joining me on that wonderful mathamatical journey. So that should be nice. I don't remember the last time i really and trully kept the shabbat no electricity, praying, and the whole megilah. So should be an interesting weekend but i look forward to it.

In other news i am getting back into contact with poeple in the states sending those emails i didn't really want to spend time sending before becuase Guy was around as well as making plans for when i land. I have a coupel of plans sort of in the works. One is flying to NY and a week later in time to spend rosh hashanah with my dear friends elie (i wanted to amke a label but i have no idea will have to show me one of these days) and betsy, i will be flying to chicago. That is the most solid plan. In a less solid itinerary i am returning to NY sending an audition tape to California and hoping that i will get cast in an indie film. I would fly out to california be home for a bit and then return to the original plan and go to chicago after thanksgiving. We will see, I am learning very quickly just how flexable one has to be in feild. Bizarre but i am hanging in there.

Other then that not much else is going on. My parents arrive in a few days and then i get to spend time with them, my fathers cambodian buisness partners, and others. The plan is to show the cambodian buisness partners the highlights of israel in 2 days. Not sure what my parents have planned as this is quite a large country for only 2 days, i mean its small but not that small. So far it sounds like Birthright round 2: in the summer, without Guy, and a lot shorter. We shall see how that goes. I think i will miss the layers and just barely uncomfortable but none the elss unhappy and constant cold of january. who knew it was possable?

Well i guess thats it not that exciting this one.....i guess thats why havn't posted in week, its been relaxing shall we say, sounds better than lazy no?
I did, however, get to posting one album on line of pictures from the trip.

You can see it here:

And i also got a chance to add some nifty gagdets to this cool blog page (thank you elie). Hope you noticed.

Alright well thats it for now. More after the weekend/when the rents get to town.

Friday, September 5, 2008


Goodbye to the land of strange fashion sense where the language can give you a head ache and all the work men look like they are part of the Mario family.

Two lovely weeks of shopping for groceries without having any clue as to what i'm really buying, of searching a small city for its rarely phenominal sites, of sitting and watching CNN and learning all about the stuff i never bothered to pay attention too, of time spent in the kitchen with metric units and "boardom suprises" that come out rather tasty in the end, and of running through vocab words in a language i can't begin to understand how anyone could speak it. But most of all these past two weeks have been filled with cuddles and kisses and laughing and adventures with someone holding my hand.

I can't say that it doesn't hurt to go. With another 29 hours to be together we are just saying thanks for the chance to have had our past 3 months and 1 week together.

The past few days i spent a lot of time in the house. I was working on a gift for guy most of the time. Putting together a digital photo frame with pictures of us and his freinds/family from home. I also finally found my tree! It wasn't that exciteing and it turned out i had passed it at least once before and hadn't thought twice about it. I made a cheese cake from a box with instructions in Hungarain, it came out really good and quite beautiful if i do say so myself. We did laundry and cleaned the apartment (its fun to watch boys cook and clean ; ) ) Today I met guy at school and we went to the Thermal Baths. Several mineral water baths that differ in temperatures. They were in celcius so i will spare you but they got hotter and hotter as we went and then we went into a suana that was really hot, pretty unbareable actually, with some sort of herbal stuff in the air, kind of hard to breathe, and then we jumped in to a really cold was nice....relaxing....i don't think guy would ever have done it if i hadn't gone with him. Also it was less than $10 for this lovely place. Soooooooooooo many old people everywhere. Funny how all the old hungarian women look exactly the same. Quite round with little legs.....oh Hungary. I also lost track of the days this week, on wednesday i could have sworn it was tuesday still. And i also got a ticket on the train. SUPER LAME. Apparently when you buy a weekly or monthly pass you are supposed to carry your passport with you as well. They told us to put our passport number on it but failed to mentione that it was invalid if the passport was not on us, when we bought the thing. So i was on my way to meet guy at school and the checker guy came on. he came to me and asked for my ticket and i happily gave it to him. Last week i think i took some 4 or 5 rides and bought only one ticket so i was feeling pretty good that here i was with nothing to fear. Thank god a man who knew english came over to help. The checker man took us both off the train, with me protesting paying the fine of 5000 Forint and stateing that i had no idea i was supposed to have the passport with me. The nice man who knew english was on my side, i think he was trying to get the man to give me a break but nope i ended up paying the stupid money. At the risk of repeating myself, LAME. We can't even complain becuase no one would understand us anyway. Whats also frusterating is all last week i carried my passport in my purse and for some reason i decided to take it out. SUPER LAME. (ps. 5000 forint is less than $40 but its the principal of the matter!) Anyway thats kind of it. I don't think i did much else in the past few days but some grocery shopping and other house wifey stuff....all im missing are the perls.

Tomorrow we are going into Budapest early in the morning so we can spend the day there and do something fun before my flight at 11pm. I need to start packing and really don't have the emotional energy for it. At somepoint i realised i am not looking forward to going back to Israel. sometimes i think it might have been a bad choice to add the extra month. I mean i am going back to Isreal without Guy. All his freind and family have extended warm invitations to hang out or stay at his house with his family but i just don't know if i want to take them up on it. I mean it will be weird no matter what without him, but i don't know............I have a few freinds that i havn't gotten the chance to see yet so i will probably hit them up and get together and really its only about a week until my parents get there so no biggie i guess. Guy says there are no right or wrong decisions just different outcomes.....maybe hes right. Well we'll see i guess. At least in Israel i will be able to call him for cheap.

I am looking forward to Chicago and going back and seeing people in NY. Looking forward to living just me and elie it will be nice. I like the two person life style, these past two weeks i've been like a fly on the wall here, observing 2 roomate living. And i am looking forward to getting my life started, new adventures are ahead of me and the research i have been doing on theaters in the area has gotten me excited so thats good.

Really i am ok, everything will be ok, and i know it. I just have to keep telling myself that and everything will be fine. Guy and I have had our moment in the sun and it has been out of this world and now it is time to see where our lives and dreams lead us. And if its back together in 6 or 7 years, i won't be pissed, that's all i'm saying.