Sunday, May 25, 2008


FEW.....i made it. so the past week had been full of packing and logisitics and a lot, a lot, of dust. who knew you could accumulate so much dust and crap over 2 years.

anyway it is all packed away in boxes and bags and in storage. the unfortunate part is i will have to go through all of it all over again in about 4 months or so.....sigh.....such is life.

Now i am home in Palo Alto and as happy as can be.

For those of you who don't know, Guy, my partner in travels/crime/existance for the next 3 months (chose what you like) (this is the boy refered to in my title) has been studying for the past 3-4 months to get into medschool in Hungary. Today was the day we have all been wating for: the day which determened whether our trip across the USA was actually happening, the day which determened his general future and my possible vacation fututre........the day of the test.
And guess what .......he passsed!!!!!!!!!!
YAY GUY! i knew he could do it......
So that is the exciteing news of the day.
His email letting me know the verdict looked like this:

Sorry sweety, you will have to suffer me for three months!

I figured this meant he passed and that he was coming to the USA, making our time together three months instead of just the two in Israel, but i confirmed later too to be sure.

anyway thats about it for now. My parents get home tomorrow and then it is plan plan plan until i leave to go get Guy in LA via Santa Barbara.

Hope all are well......I will be back to keep you posted on travel plans for the cross country treck!


Norrell said...

AMAZING! I am so happy that you are home again. You deserve some down-time lady! But, I do miss you so very much...I think back to me crying when we were saying goodbye, lol. I am such a sap! Well, it is good to hear that you doing well. That is awesome that Guy passed! Woo:) K baby, have fun and I love you!


Alice said...

Yay!! Congratulations Guy! I miss you bunches already! Have an awesome and relaxing time home, I can't wait to hear all your stories!

Micaela said...

dear you-already loving the blog! I don't know when im getting home but I'll make sure to see you a few times, even if its with THE guy! I love the adventure you are having-what a dream follower you are! ok will call and talk soon.
love, micaela

Micaela said...

ps-bikram yoga? that sounds cool! reenact?

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you made it back to Cali safe. Told Guy 'congrats' but will tell the e-world again anyway. "Yah Congrats Guy!" I commiserate with the boxes situation, been doing quite a bit of packing and unpacking myself. Hope all is well. lots of love.


PS - stole your e-mail list to give everyone my travel blogs url. Thanx!