Wednesday, October 1, 2008

many exciteing things today......

So today i woke up............
thats pretty much all i did till about 2 or 3
at around this time i got a lovely phone call telling me i got a part in the film i auditioned for in California!!!! Woo hoo. i will be playing a lesbian for the next couple of months. California and lesbian lover here i come!

I am actually very excited. Unfortunately it does means that i must leave lovely Chicago and my dearest friend Elie behind. We have had such a great week together! (I don't think its even over yet) We went shopping, cooked, had dinner guests, explored the city a little and plan on doing some more tomorrow. It has been absolutely wonderful to be back with my other half, this is what we finally determined cut it(well close enough anyway) as a description for our relationship.
It was Rosh Hashanah the Jewish new year this week and so we went to synygogue and had guests over for Rosh Hashanah dinner. We cooked a very large expeiramental meal and it all came out pretty darn good if i do say so myself. (pictures to come)
We had all the essentials for a Rosh Hashanah seder, the symbolic foods: beats, apples and honey, green beans (soacked in basalmic vinigar and garlic (thanks Shane), round challah, squash (spaghetti squash backed with some olive oil and topped with some brown sugar (thanks Riva), leek, dates, pomagranit, and a fish head (a cat toy fish that we found in the grocery store, i said symbolic). The rest of the menu included: Chicken cooked in the oven with some broth and potatoes, carrots, onions, leek and some apricot jam. Came out deliciouse and sweet. Salad and wine and a dessert made by me! I tried to make Alfajores for the 3rd time and as it did the 2nd time, the dough came out too dry so instead of making bad cookies i decided to make something a little different, i put a layer of dough on the bottom with a layer of raspberry jam, sprinkled some powdered sugar and then crumbled the rest of the dough on top and sprinkled powder sugar once more. Also came out real tasty. We are all very impressed with Elie and my cooking skills. All in all a lovely dinner.
The other night we enjoyed some freshley backed toll house chocolate chip cookies and milk and have enjoyed endless amounts of chit chatting and laughing and catching up.

It is safe to say i will miss my oportunity to live with him but it will be ok, we all got to do what we got to do. Thats what this career is about......

Tomorrow we are going to explore the fun things of the city like the bean that many of you might remember when Guy and I were here visiting. I look forward to it. Unfortunatly i can't find my battery charger so i can't charge my batteries for camera.

Today i spent a few hours walking in and out of shops, didn't buy anything, got lost more than once, and got a ride from a police man to Elie's theater so we could have dinner together. I got to see the inside of the theater and Elie's make shift office/storage space. It was a fun eventful exciteing day all in all.
Once home we watched this great TV i finally have time to write about silly mundane things as TV shows about a family with a pair of twins and a set of sextuplets(!!!!!) yes sextuplets.....and they are all half asian, i mean if you are going to populate the world you might as well populate the world with half asian children, they are all so cute.

what you have all be waiting for
I have finally put all my pictures into albums on facebook
(I reserve the right to create another album should some other pictures resurface, just putting it out there)

i know there is a lot, peruse at your leisure

All right talk to you all later.
Hope this post finds you well where ever you are.


Guy said...

I knew you can do it!

Good luck with that beutiful!


erica said...

congratulations roneet!!! my little starlet! I'm so excited for you. What is the film? Clearly it is fabulousness if you are going to be in it. I love you and miss you and your little jewish head!