It is quite gloomy here in MN. Rainy for the past couple days. I woke up this morning thinking i had missed day lights savings switch because it was so damn dark. I kept expecting the radio to say it was an hour earlier than it really was and then i would be able to go back to sleep.
Things are going pretty well. I have a show opening in a week and half, so we are starting to get down to the all consuming week of rehearsals right before opening. It's been a fun light short rehearsal process. I have to say i am looking forward to the break from shows for a while. I do have a good few projects i should get to work on completing that were started at the beginning of summer!
Marisol was an amazing experiance - i don't remember if i said something about it here yet or not. It truly goes on the list of best theater experinces in my life. Just a peice of work i am so proud of. I loved performing it (as much as i complained before hand - it was taxing - i loved being on stage and going through her journey each show) I wokred so hard to make it happen and the result was something i can not really put into words how i feel about. I said more than a few times that i was jelous of the audience becuase i would never get the chance to see the show unfold from an objective point of view. The rehearsal process was so challengeing, frusterating, overwhelming, fun, feirce, and empowering. I really went through so much during that experiance from feeling to green and inadiquite to really feeling like i had found the charecter and her world. I will miss it terribly. And this next show? has been like some bad watered down coolade in compareison.
Teaching at the preschool is going well. I am enjoying the children more and more each day. They are so fun, high energy, sweet little people. When i'm having a rough day - regardless of whether they are the cause or not - they will just go ahead and do something real cute and i am powerless.
Recently the wonderfulness that is childhood that they decided to share with me was lice! Yay! SO i have lice once again after 12 years of critter free hair ::a little shudder:: The best part was when i was washing my itchy head with some extra strength dandruff somthing or other (thinking that would do the trick) i discovered a little bug on my finger. Having had two kids pulled from school becuase of lice at this point, i quickly google imaged lice and found a direct relative of my little friend staring back at me. FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN!
Yesterday was a day off from school filled with laundry, vacumeing, intense smelling shampoo, and lots of hair in my face. Also some creepy crawly feelings on my skin. again i repeat FUN!
The funniest part was when i looked around my apartment and realized i was worse than these kids: 4 stuffed animals, 2 pillows and a body pillow, 3 blankets - and thats just whats on my bed.
At some point you just got to laugh. Laughing is better than crying. so thats where i am.
The gloomy season and my cold apartment makes me think. i still miss home a lot, family and friends. I have made some friends here, but its still the beginging of those relationships, my freinds at home can be called fora trip to target(or insert any errand here) or to help me lug garbage bags of laundry up to my apartment, while i could probably call on my mn friends for that i feel like its just too soon. A friendship has to blossom before you can request manuel labor.....
I did plan a trip for my winter break from teaching, which i am so excited about. I will be at home for a good 10 days and then New Years is going to be with the one and only EB. Nothing could serve as better incentive to get through this gray season.
I didn't mention it here but i feel as if it might be time to let my blog followers in on things. Granted some of you already know, but the famous boy this blog was started in association with and i are no longer together. We broke up for several reasons, i will not go into, at the end of the summer, when Guy went back to Hungary. While this is a decision i am glad i made, feel relived about, and notice the differance in my life because of, needless to say, things arn't perfectly hunky dory. Break ups never are. They leave a lot of retrospective analysis and complicated feelings in their wakes. A rainy day is perfect for visiting that aspect of my life.
While not spending so much energy on that relationship has given me time to focus on my life here in MN, making freinds, working, school and shows, i still feel like i have a lot of time on my hands i didn't used to have. Yes i could use that time for the dishes in the sink, the memorizing or the many crochette projects i have lying around but somehow those don't get done. I guess i'm just chewing on everything a bit and finding it hard to be motivated to do stuff.
I am excited for this weekend. Going to hang out with 3 of my 7 mn friends (i'm counting) for halloween. Should be fun, i don't remember the last time i had a truly fun halloween. Maybe i just don't remember past halloweens now that i think about it......We are going to a show sat night that one of the freinds is opening and then who knows what the night will bring. i will also be doing my young cousins make up for his (truly yucky) girl costume (too much pink for me) which i know will be a blast. and of course lots of rehearsal. SO it will be a busy weekend which will be good. This past week i spent a lot of time at the family's house lots of birthdays in october. A different birthday dinner and present opening each night almost. It was fun to be able to be apart of all that. So aside form the lice thing its goingto be a pretty fun week in the end.
i guess all in all things here are good, just a little funk to go with the day. I could use a little sunshine soon.
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