So so sorry about the disappearing act. So much has happened including moving into a new apartment without internet - thus the blogger lameness.
The new apartment has gotten better and better with all the shiputzim (fixer ups) that have happened to it. The last of which will be heat. Once that starts happening i will be a happy camper. So far since i moved in - the place has been painted, the wood floors have been redone, new linoleum has been put in for the kitchen and bathroom. This does not include the total bathroom and walls make over that was done before i moved in. I also have to finish emptying all the storage unit boxes from NY. Then the place will really feel like home. Its a little lonely to live on my own but really only at night. Coming home from a show and not really having anyone to share with is sort of a bummer but i am so tired by the end of the day i am not bummed for long cause the second my head hits the pillow (and my body has warmed up the layers) I'm asleep.
After heat - internet is my next project!
Also I've started teaching at a jewish preschool at the local synagogue. Its a blast teaching little ones about Judaism and hebrew and all that junk. I have 9 wonderful 4 and 5 year olds. The are cute and excited about everything and sticky and of control and beautiful 4 and 5 year olds. I am having fun. It's a busy tiring day, I'm with kids from 9 - 1:30 and it is a 4.5 hour whirlwind.
On the theater side of things. I just opened my first show this fall. It is going great so far. I'm real proud of it. And its an awesome show regardless of me and what this theater company has done with it (i mean, don't get me wrong, that also makes it awesome). My dad took a special trip out before another one of his big business trips to see a final rehearsal because he last minute had to go out of the country for the entire run. It was wonderful to have him here - show him around my life (the school, the theater, the apartment) and having him as my first audience. The show is such high energy and fast passed that it takes a while to come down from the actor high, hence the sitting at a computer in the coffee shop/ice cream place a couple blocks down on the way home.
Yesterday i started rehearsals for my second show of the fall season. This one is still in the process of being written as we rehearse which is also a pretty interesting experience, i arrive at rehearsal am handed what we will be working on for the first time and add it to the rest of my script. And thats how it works. Should also be a fun show - i play a sort cleopatra type character in an adaptation of an old brittish adventure book.
Other then that - ive been trying to go out more and see more shows or meet more people. I was able to do a little of both right before tech happened. it was nice to be out with other people for a change.
These were my first holidays without anybody really - not my fam and not Elie. The past almost 5 years i'd say i spent almost every holiday with Elie and this was a change. I got through it fine though. Spent some time with the family that lives here which was nice and then went to services for the most part by myself. My coworkers from the preschool were very kind and generous in taking care of me and making sure i got into services somewhere.
And now its work work work until the end of November - thanksgiving really. December should be low key and then i'll have winter break. I hope to be some where warmer than here for the majority of that. havn't figured it out yet though. And then when i get back in Jan i'll start rehearsals for a show going up in February. That's abut as far as i have planned out right now. The auditions have sort of taken a pause with the no internet and no time thing. That's ok though - I'm ok with that for a little bit.
Well on that note - it looks like they are closing up here. I should probably go.
Hope all are well - would be more than happy to get an update back from you all.
Yours (no matter how negligent),
Good luck kido...
With everything!
I believe in you!
HI, it's Roberta. Sounds like you're living a very exciting life. I just finished a play about a Wedding that will be performed on the 7th of Nov. Something I've always wanted to do. I'm also performing in a ventriloquist. (We)play friends of the family. Off to rehearsal.
Sorry I guess I left out...I wrote the play. Comment looked a little confusing...
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