Sunday, July 27, 2008

Hello hello......

Eilat was great!

Our hotel was a little shabby but we got a really great price, super cheap for a family room. There was a pull out couch a refirgerator and seperate bed room. We had a little trouble with the management at first. Quite a silly story really. We took a bus at 6:30am from Rishon (where guy lives) to Eilat - about a 5 hour ride (of course i slept the whole time). We got in at around 11am and went to check in, they said the rooms weren't ready but we could leave our stuff there and come back later, great. We went to the beach, sat in the sun, swam in the cool water (cold water compaired to the rest of the Israeli waters), enjoyed some Israeli Pizza Hut with sesamee and Za'atar on it, yum yum, and basically relaxed. When we came back to the Hotel at 3:40pm to get the rooms we went up to the desk said we had reservations and wanted rooms now. They said we don't have any rooms for you. We said no we checked in earlier they told us to come back after 3 so here we are. She said rooms weren't ready you are welcome to have a seat and wait. We being sticky and salty were a little put off by this so we began to ask questions and things, the manager comes out and just starts at us with it doesn't interest me what time you got here or when you made the reservations, read the sign, we will give you rooms when we have them availble. So of course after reading the sign carefully Guy decides to point out that the sign says rooms are given out after three, so the man says yes thats exactly what is written there after three we will start giving out the rooms (in hebrew things are a little more confusing, it was all up to interpretation really (BS)) Anyway this is when Guy decided to step back and let the other guy we were with take care me and the other girl were all ready sitting on of the couches in lobby at this point. Anyway in the end 20 min later they gave us one room. And what a room it was. This was the nice big room i mentioned above. It doesn't stop there. We get in, we look around, not bad, we turn on the water in the tub BROWN. ok ok sometimes, old hotels, takes a minute cause the pipes are old, whatever......25 MIN LATER still brown. The fixer dude came up to take a look, and even he said it was a crappy hotel and managers are in and out all the time there. Interesting to say the least. In the end after the other couple moved through 2 different rooms (one had no air conditioner, one was on a floor with a bunch of loud high school kids) all in all it wasn't so bad a stay. The hotel was realy close to the Mall there and the boardwalk and the beach, so it was ok really, just funny.

We enjoyed a lot of time on the beach, the taxless shopping (tax in israel is 15.5% and for some reason Eilat has none), and other fun things.
Casa Do Brazil is a restaurant i think they have in Las Vegas and maybe some other places but this place is phenominal! Its an all you can eat meatery (i guess). You pay a fixed price for some simple salades on the table, potatoes, salad, chili, bread....and waiters come around with fresh off the grill meat. We ate steak, veal, lamb, liver, chicken, chicken hearts (so yummy), sausege etc.......I decided i've eaten enough meat for the rest of my life i can go vegitarian now and it wouldn't make a difference. We also ordered wine a dessert of course. And becuase Guy doesn't really drink wine and didn't like either of the ones we got i had two glasses of wine. Needless to say it was a fun night.

The next day Guy and i went to the place called King's City. Its kind of a weird place and hard to describe. His parents told us we should go and baught us the tickets. We asked what is it. They said it was hard to describe but its nice. When we were done we also couldn't describe it, but it was nice. Here check it out for yourself This will give you the best idea of what it was without actually taking you there. Even better, this way you won't have to deal with all the crazy Israelis ; )

The two night and three day trip was really great, short and sweet. I bought a couple of dresses in the shuk (israeli market) there and in the mall i bought some Sabon prouducts for like 20 bucks sweet deal huh?

Once we got back we went to another hard to describe place with Guy's family. Its like a natural water park i guess, they have a couple of water slides that you can ride for a sheckel but mostly its like a big river i guess with water falls and narrow water passages, really beautiful, cool refreshing fresh water with little fish that come and nibble your toes......we had a nice time and i am super tan ; )

Thats pretty much the update.....
-I am trying to sell my old iphone here so i can get a new one when i get back. We put in add in the Israeli Ebay site just to see what would happen, with 20 minutes we had 4 calls about it, sweet huh? My dad might sell it for more in cambodia, fun.
-I saw batman, Heath was great just as everyone said, Isreali movie theaters are weird, there is an intermition in the middle of any movie more than 2 hours long, popcorn crunching and loud whispering can be heard through out the movie, but eventually you learn to ignore it. Oh and seeing a movie in the theater is just as expensive here as it is there.

and thats really it.
one more week and then i start camp again, i'm hoping it will be ok, the younger ones will be less able to understand me i think and less flexible about bad hebrew so this will be interesting.

ok i think i should go find Guy now and let his siblings to get to their computer ; )

Sunday, July 20, 2008


So here we go.

Camp: the kids were adorable and really figured out how to focus at least half as much as was really neccessary in the end. so they were quiet for whole scenes sometimes!! No really the kids were great the costumes and sets really came together in the end. i was pretty impressed. Also when the guy in charge stood up to thank people he was saying names and stuff and then all the kids said and roneet and then they all clapped and cheered for me. which was really nice. they also gave me a present (some bath stuff) and the camp director asked me if i would want to to work there with a group at somepoint. I honestly didn't really know what she meant, like diuring the year? for the next month or two? for pay? i don't know i was kind of taken a back by the offer at the time but it was nice to have it happen. Also a few of the kids told me to come back next year and gave me notes saying you were a really great counselor and i wish you luck and happyness in the future and i love you. super cute!

Shlomo Artsy: the concert was really cool even though i only knew 2 of the songs out of a 2 hour concert. it was in an amphatheater right by the sea so pretty beautiful area with a nice breese from the water. When we got there they had free food and drinks, little keychain lights, cushions to sit on the stone seats with, and bottles of water. neat! the food was pretty good and once the concert started poeple started using their key chain lights as lighters it was really pretty. everyone had a really good time and the music was really fun even though i couldn't really understand it.

6th months: We had a really special night planned by Guy, in a very quite far away from everything spot. Quite romantic and beautiful. We ate dinner cooked by Guy himself and then came home and watched a movie (no love movie or anything we saw The Bubble, very very good israeli film). It was the perfect way to celebrate.

Zohan: i refuse to give that movie any more time and energy.

Other than all that everything continues to be really great. We had quite the relaxing weekend, caught up on sleep, watched a good handful of movies, and just relaxed. Monday is Eilat so i am a-ok with taking the time to rest and not do anything. We are going to take a bus there so we don't have to deal with gas or parking or anything. I think its about a 4 hour ride, no big deal from me but probably a big deal for the israelis ; ) We are going to stay at the Red Hotel (Malon Adumah) and even though Guy and I still have no idea what it is, it has been recomended to go The City of Kings (Ir ha melachim). I'll let you know what it is when we get back!

OK thats it for now. Take care all, until next time.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

not a lot of time right now but......

highlights: (more later)

Camp ended: glad to be done but quite a nice experiance in the end

2 and 1/2 week break: looking forward to sleeping and traveling in israel

The Zohan: Guy and I just watched, it was all we could do to not fall asleep.
Quite bad, could not have been any less authentic. Thumbs down on this one Adam.

Monday: Eilat for 2 nights and three days with another couple, some kids guy went to highschool with, looking forward to it. Either i have never been there or i went once when i was very little.

More later, hopfully before we leave.

Hope you are well. Miss you tons.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

week two

hey all,
I can't believe that i am only starting my second week here. it feels like it has been a month already, don't get me wrong, i am not complaining.

Camp is ending this week but i think the break will be welcomed with open arms. The kids have warmed up to my by now, which is good but does not in anyway mean they listen to me or do what i say. Being with a group of 12-16 young girls for an hour each morning and having to speak hebrew after only 5 or 6 hours sleep can be very difficult. I am kind of tense while i am there but by the end of the day it is all well and good and fun. so i duno.

The show is on thursday which is sort of a pain in my ass. The city is half an hour to an hour away from where i live by bus so camp ending at 1:30-2:00 and call being at 4:00 doesn't really give me anytime to go home and rest a bit. uhhhg. thats ok.

the show is coming together, these kids have no understanding of focusing and how things work in rehearsal/backs stage. its pretty phenominal how much we actors take for granted sometimes. it has been an interesting rehearsal process needless to say. but the scenes are starting to look really cute, and kids are starting to get the importance of speaking up when you are on stage. ha kosem mi eretz utz or the wizard of oz or הקוסם מי ערץ וץ (i have no idea if that is spelled right) will be ok at least, and if not i told guy the best thing about doing theater with children is 1) there parents don't care how bad it is becuase its their kid and 2) it doesn't matter how bad they are, the parents won't blame us because 9 year olds arn't supposed to be great actors anyway. so i feel pretty good.

Other than camp guy and i have been visiting his friends and seeing poeple from our birthright trip. We went to a bbq at the beautiful tel aviv apartment of his soon to be roomate and had an israeli bbq with all the kids he took his pre med class with and is going to be going to school with for the next 6 years. We hung out with freinds from high school, went to La Triviata in the park in Tel Aviv (not quite like sleeping in central park for shakes in park tickets but i got my quota i think), tonight we are going to a Shlomo Artzy (also have no idea how to spell that) concert (big famouse older musician singer here), spent an afternoon at the beach and went to a free Monica Sex (israeli band who i happened to know before hand) on the boardwalk, and ate lots and lots of israeli frozen yogert.

in other words life is pretty fun.

i am still tired come the afternoons but i think that comes from screaming at isreali children and trying to understand them when they scream back for 5 hours each day and then staying out late at night. oh well sleep is for the weak as guy keeps reminding me. i just wich my cold would go away.

after camp is done i have about a teo week break before i start the second camp. we plan to go to the north maybe camp or spend a weekend in a freinds apartment by the Kineret, go to Eilat (israel's vacation spot) for two nights and three days with another couple

also we weren't sure for a while how everything was going to be when guy goes to hungary for school, but we figured out since i have nothing to do once the second camp is over i am going to be in hungary with guy for 2 weeks before my parents come to israel, i am really looking for
ward to the adventure that will be hungary and getting those extra two weeks with him

also guy and i decided to have a 6th month celebration july would be our 6 months if we had a real date to go off of so we decided this weekend will be our 6 months(i have no idea what to get him) if you have any suggestions email me!!d

anyway i think thats it, this was kind of a blaby post sorry about that, hopefully after some travels i will have some good stories

hope all are well and healthy and happy

ps sorry about the punctuation some how the computer got into hebrew mode and i can't get it back to english again so punctuation is not working well not that i use it correctly anyway but forgive me this once this i know is a little as we say in hebrew dafuk ;)d

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


So i am in israel now, things are busy, and it all ready feels like i have been here for a week. I keep asking Guy what day it is, i'm totally messed up not only because im in a different time zone but their week is totally different here. I realised today when i was talking to someone about sunday, i am going to have to go to work on sunday. the weekend here starts on friday so at least no camp day after tomorrow.

the theater camp is going well, but it has been hard to ignore the jetlag. I have been taking naps in the afternoon and falling asleep on the bus ride home. not a great idea considering i have no idea where i am but so far i havn't missed my stop yet.

The kids here are quite different from the kids in america i find. They really make their athority work for their respect and quiet. Its been interesting to say the least. the first day or so i moslty shadowed and then since then i have been given groups of my own and treated as one of the teachers is quite nice. I spent some time working on physical character ecercises (al a Shelby styke) with one group of kids and today i did some projection excersisses ( al a Jeff Morrison and the angery raisins style) with some older kids. All in all at the end of the day its fun so i am not worried about being driven too crazy by the kids, and i say if i can help or fix on kids issues on the stage a day thats good enough for me, and so far i am two for two if i do say so myself.

I miss you all in good ol' USA a lot. Guy is starting to think about saying good bye to his friends and family here to head off to school (we all know what that was like) so it reminds me of all of you in my life back home.

I hope you all had a good 4th of July, Guy and i celebrated our country's independance on the plane. I kept expecting someone to say "oh, and happy 4th of july" but no one did. We did however get to watch fire works from the plane. While waiting to taxi in the plane we saw about 5 or 6 different set of fire along one horizon and then as we took off it was like new york was exploding all over the place. it was quite beautiful even without the noises and stuff.

Since we've landed we've been spending time with his family and its been my turn to meet all his friends.

I have been enjoying time with my aunt even though we don't get to see eachother too much, such is life with flat mates as i am all too familiar, and i am still working on finding myself some yoga and starting my arabic lessons.

so far sooooo happy
and my hebrew is getting better i do believe, its fun to impress poeple, the kids keep asking me if i was born in israel. ;)

anyway love you all hope you are all well and happy.

peace in the middle east,