Friday, July 16, 2010

Rules Of The Game

I never was so good at sticking to the rules. Socially or otherwise - i keep forgetting what they are - which makes for some messy games.....

I am so confused by the strange world of online dateing. Everyone has their own pace - everyone has their own rules - and nobody ever lets me in on it.

Kissing -
I don't think in any real world match - meeting someone by chance at a party/friendly get together/etc. - would i be kissing them the second time i ever saw them - i mean that would have to be some damn good chemistry or crazy vampire powers stuff (just finished another Anita book). I mean maybe if we talked a lot in between first date and second and the conversation chem was just as great as the in person chem (just to recap there would have to be amazing chem all around) - then i get it..... I don't know. this stuff is weird. Like how much touching is ok - hand on the leg, arm around the shoulder, hand holding when you walk together, etc. I mean it all just boils down to what feels comfortable for you right? its that "when you know, you know" thing i guess.

[insert number here] date appropriate activity -
Is it ok to go to someone's home for a second date? or what about a first date - yeah that has been offered.

Calling it off-
In person? At the end of a date? Voice male? Text?
i mean really what do i owe them - we are not going to be "friends" - i mean let's be honest, that's not what either of us are here for right? "J" needs to be done though. A good friend of mine said 3rd date is make it or break it - and we had our 3rd last night. Conclusion: break it. And Jewish online dateing would never be complete with out the guilt right? So i feel very bad that he paid for 3 dates worth and ended up paying for a couple of my friends drinks too. This is why i'm not really into letting a guy pay for everything. I mean i would be pissed....

And to top it all off, the cherry on all of the over thinking and circular logic that goes on in my head, the serial monogomist in me is going crazy! How can i like one guy but go on dates with another? well i kissed him, can i kiss the other one? How do i keep them all straight?

yeah i don't know if im cut out for all of this.......

So The Bachelorette: When i started this whole online dateing thing i had just recently gotten hooked on watching The Bachelorette. I couldn't help but feel like Ali and i were going through the same thing. It was like watching my life being more glamoursley played out in once a week episodes. I mean aside from the fanstastic dates happening all over the world in places people arn't really supposed to go - like old temples or the middle of a pool or a mens' bath house (i guess when your on TV you can do anything) aside from all of that, really, i'm basically the Bachelorette. EXCEPT they are moving way faster than i am - i can't imagine what we see is all the time they spend together - its week 8 or 9 and she's already met the families. And talk about ultimate monogomists night mare shes been "brought home" by 3 different guys. That's intense. SO unfortuantly my kindred spirit is beyond me at this point - i can't look to the show for advice or comfort anymore, it all being out of my realm now. Oh well. It was nice to have Ali there while it lasted.

Ok so now the updates:
"J" needs to go as we concluded earlier
"Cupid" seemed very into seeing me a 3rd time but went off to Japan and haven't heard from him yet
"Swinger" and i went on a lovely date (drinks and live music) which resulted in a second date at his place (he cooked me dinner and we watched big fish and cuddled on the couch)
"DVUP" and i havne't managed to meet up yet
but "AJDr" and i did and that was unfortunate. Thus he is appropriately named Awkward Jewish Doctor.


Alice said...

Some words to live by: My body, my choice. Let me repeat that: MY BODY, MY CHOICE! There are no rules about "how far" or "how much" except for what you want to do. If you want to be kissing someone the moment you meet, do it. If you don't want to go home with someone ever, don't do it. If a guy is handsy and you're not into it, you are WELL WITHIN YOUR RIGHTS to say "Hey I'm just not into that right now." People are going to set the pace unless you do it first.
Now, I'm less help about how to end it with someone but guess what? If they didn't want to buy all those drinks, then they just shouldn't have! It's not up to you to feel bad!
This has been a Public Service Announcement from Alice.

Anna Scanlon said...

Alice has spoken some words of wisdom. She's right!

I especially liked this "A good friend of mine said 3rd date is make it or break it." :-p

Okay, with me doing this online dating thing, you doing it and now Rachel doing it, I'm hopeless at keeping anyone straight. But know that I love you and support you and still want to hear all about it, even if I can't remember who's who. I can barely remember who my guys are...I'm going on two dates this week and had to reach into the recesses of my brains to remember their names...

Ro said...

Thank you my girls - yes these are all definitely good rules to live by and go with out saying. I'm just saying this is the stuff that goes on in my head - i guess ill know if i really like a boy because all the white noise in my head will finally stop. ha ha ha. LOVE YOU BOTH AND MISS YOU TERRIBLY.