Wednesday, June 11, 2008


So i know it's been a while. 

The Update: 
Everything is going great. Things have been really busy visiting friends doing American/Californian things, and just spending time together. 
Seeing friends has been really nice and its been great having everyone meet Guy as overwhelming as it my be. We went played minigolf, enjoyed a long day of fun in San Francisco, saw fish and animals in Monterey and visited tide pools in Half Moon Bay, Raging Waters was a blast (sorry Anna you win), and today we went white water rafting on the American River. It has been a busy fun filled past few days. 

The Plan: 
We are spending the next couple of days making sure we have everything in order to start our drive east. We are planing out the days and stops along the way, making sure we have all the camping gear we need, and i need to make some phone calls to Israel to make sure all is in order so Guy can have a little bit of peace from me during the day while we are there together 
; )

anyway that's kind of it really, in a nutshell, those of you who we will be seeing along the way will be hearing from us soon with dates and stuff, we just have some finalizing to do with dates and milage and stuff. Can't wait to start the trip. I am really excited about it, and i think Guy is too ; )

More soon.....before we hit the road for sure....i promise...

1 comment:

Shane said... sounds like your having such a great time! I miss you TONS!!! When do you start the road trip?