Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Left you hanging for a bit huh?

Helloooo hello.

SO Guy arrived and i picked him up on time, on the correct date, at the correct airport, in the correct terminal. We spent the day with my family in Orange County which was nice but i am sure pretty over whelming for him, poor pup...but what a trooper...

The next day was spent in LA. We went to the Le Brea Tar Pits park and Museum (Guy officially deemed me a nerd), the LA Automotive Museum- two floors of many different kinds of transportation that all had to do with LA history....interesting....pretty cars, a walk on Hollywood Blvd. - got to see the hand prints, the stars, and the Chinese theater, took Guy to Cold Stone and showed him Build a Bear (because it was there). And then we went to dinner at Benihana's with my cousins. A lot of fun and packed couple of days. Guy surprisingly has had no problem with jet-lag.

Then it was on to Santa Barbara. We visited with my girls (LOVE YOU) , sat on the beach, introduced Guy to American bagels, and ate at a lovely restaurant on the harbor.
It was a lot of fun, wonderful to see the girls, and great have them meet the boy.

Dinner with the fam went well.

Today was a baseball game and tale gate party. The game was surprisingly fun, we won 10-2 GO A's! Guy and I even picked up on how the game is played ; )

So all in all in things are good, great even.....lots of fun. : D

Miss you all tons!!!

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