Wednesday, July 9, 2008


So i am in israel now, things are busy, and it all ready feels like i have been here for a week. I keep asking Guy what day it is, i'm totally messed up not only because im in a different time zone but their week is totally different here. I realised today when i was talking to someone about sunday, i am going to have to go to work on sunday. the weekend here starts on friday so at least no camp day after tomorrow.

the theater camp is going well, but it has been hard to ignore the jetlag. I have been taking naps in the afternoon and falling asleep on the bus ride home. not a great idea considering i have no idea where i am but so far i havn't missed my stop yet.

The kids here are quite different from the kids in america i find. They really make their athority work for their respect and quiet. Its been interesting to say the least. the first day or so i moslty shadowed and then since then i have been given groups of my own and treated as one of the teachers is quite nice. I spent some time working on physical character ecercises (al a Shelby styke) with one group of kids and today i did some projection excersisses ( al a Jeff Morrison and the angery raisins style) with some older kids. All in all at the end of the day its fun so i am not worried about being driven too crazy by the kids, and i say if i can help or fix on kids issues on the stage a day thats good enough for me, and so far i am two for two if i do say so myself.

I miss you all in good ol' USA a lot. Guy is starting to think about saying good bye to his friends and family here to head off to school (we all know what that was like) so it reminds me of all of you in my life back home.

I hope you all had a good 4th of July, Guy and i celebrated our country's independance on the plane. I kept expecting someone to say "oh, and happy 4th of july" but no one did. We did however get to watch fire works from the plane. While waiting to taxi in the plane we saw about 5 or 6 different set of fire along one horizon and then as we took off it was like new york was exploding all over the place. it was quite beautiful even without the noises and stuff.

Since we've landed we've been spending time with his family and its been my turn to meet all his friends.

I have been enjoying time with my aunt even though we don't get to see eachother too much, such is life with flat mates as i am all too familiar, and i am still working on finding myself some yoga and starting my arabic lessons.

so far sooooo happy
and my hebrew is getting better i do believe, its fun to impress poeple, the kids keep asking me if i was born in israel. ;)

anyway love you all hope you are all well and happy.

peace in the middle east,


Micaela said...

yo yo ma! sounds like you are having a wild adventure. You are amazing and can handle these kids! Member when you used to come read to my campers? also, have always wanted to see fireworks from a plane-how cool!

love you lots and lots! Sorry I missed your call, but maybe we should skype?

Unknown said...

many challenges and u r handling it verry well . Good for u girl. We are excited 4 u. Take it easy and have fun with it all. There will be many bridges to cross, some easy and some will be tough. We (u) will worry about it when u get to it. Enjoy it. Love Dad

Alice said...

Can't wait for the next update. Let me know your address when you can!