Sunday, July 20, 2008


So here we go.

Camp: the kids were adorable and really figured out how to focus at least half as much as was really neccessary in the end. so they were quiet for whole scenes sometimes!! No really the kids were great the costumes and sets really came together in the end. i was pretty impressed. Also when the guy in charge stood up to thank people he was saying names and stuff and then all the kids said and roneet and then they all clapped and cheered for me. which was really nice. they also gave me a present (some bath stuff) and the camp director asked me if i would want to to work there with a group at somepoint. I honestly didn't really know what she meant, like diuring the year? for the next month or two? for pay? i don't know i was kind of taken a back by the offer at the time but it was nice to have it happen. Also a few of the kids told me to come back next year and gave me notes saying you were a really great counselor and i wish you luck and happyness in the future and i love you. super cute!

Shlomo Artsy: the concert was really cool even though i only knew 2 of the songs out of a 2 hour concert. it was in an amphatheater right by the sea so pretty beautiful area with a nice breese from the water. When we got there they had free food and drinks, little keychain lights, cushions to sit on the stone seats with, and bottles of water. neat! the food was pretty good and once the concert started poeple started using their key chain lights as lighters it was really pretty. everyone had a really good time and the music was really fun even though i couldn't really understand it.

6th months: We had a really special night planned by Guy, in a very quite far away from everything spot. Quite romantic and beautiful. We ate dinner cooked by Guy himself and then came home and watched a movie (no love movie or anything we saw The Bubble, very very good israeli film). It was the perfect way to celebrate.

Zohan: i refuse to give that movie any more time and energy.

Other than all that everything continues to be really great. We had quite the relaxing weekend, caught up on sleep, watched a good handful of movies, and just relaxed. Monday is Eilat so i am a-ok with taking the time to rest and not do anything. We are going to take a bus there so we don't have to deal with gas or parking or anything. I think its about a 4 hour ride, no big deal from me but probably a big deal for the israelis ; ) We are going to stay at the Red Hotel (Malon Adumah) and even though Guy and I still have no idea what it is, it has been recomended to go The City of Kings (Ir ha melachim). I'll let you know what it is when we get back!

OK thats it for now. Take care all, until next time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

your camp experience sounds strangely similar to mine, except I'm with high schoolers. Good to hear you're doing so well! I love you and miss you!