Friday, February 13, 2009

On the road again....well I guess the wind really...

I am writing to you from the plane. On my way to England. Not too bad a flight when you have 3 beautifuly empty seats to yourself. I was sitting in my aisl seat with all my pillows and yarn, and other random things I decided must be out and about for me to get through the flight, just waiting for people to come by and make me menuver myself so they could get to their seats when I noticed that no one was walking up and down the asiles anymore. I felt pretty silly when I realized how much space I had for all shit in my lap and quickly made myself at home. I took a nap of luxsurie and then decided I wanted to watch a movie. Unfortunatly all of them were already significantly into themselves. This was a bummer becuase several of them were on my list. I watched vicky christina barcalona which conveniantly is narrated through out. An easy movie to come in the middle. I very much enjoyed it. I like scarlet. I think recently I've gotten into such a movie kick but it is so hard to keep up. There are so many all the time and so many actors I am interested in watching. I think after my little taste of film making movies and film is intreguing me more and more.

On a more relevant note the past few days have been nice. I slept and spent time with my dad and aunt. It was relaxing a little boring but mostly enjoyable. I saw a friend that I used to play with all the time when I was little and in israel. I hadn't seen her in like 8 years until the summer. Both in the summer and this time our time together was short and last minute due to extenuating circumstances but none the less wonderful. It's funny how with some people you can get together and it's as if time had never passed. Or more than that, it's as if you've been best friends all your life. I mean just how close could we have been at age 9 or whatever? our most intimate conversations couldn't have been anything so intense right? We spent a couple of hours at coffee together talking about boyfriends and school and careers and friends and music. It was really great. It's bizarr what bonds people. When your a kid it's about having the same shoes or wearing your hair the same or really your just friends becuase you happen to be the same age and your parents know eachother for some reason. I'm pretty sure I don't know how our fathers are connected.....hmmm.....

Anyway guy was so kind as to burn many movies on discs for me so I watched a lot of those and saw family friends. Today my dad took me back to the sabich place before heading to the airport. I tried to order by myself and it didn't go so well. I forgot to mention that the place is covered in photos of people in all kinds of places in the world holding up a sign that says "ovad's sabich is the best meal in the universe". You've got people eating food by the roman callisium holding this sign or some naked guys strateigicly holding a sign that says "even in the forests ovad's is the best meal in the universe" so I don't know if this guy started it or his fans did but at the end of my order as he handed me my sandwich he prompted me with the sentance. Now everyone comes there for the food but also the show. To watch him put it all together like a soccer game with all the puns and how he jokes around with everyone. So I'm not just standing here alone there's like a crowd and of course at this time my hebrew starts to fail me. Not only is universe a word I don't really know but I miss understood the sentance and when mr. Ovad asked me "the best meal in..." I said "uhh here". Ovad's eyes went wide and my dad yells "universe,universe" to me from the casheir. No worries the sabich was still just as yummy. I will miss you Israeli food but my scale won't and neither will my pants once they fit again.

Well we should be coming to land soon. Hopfuly. The captain just informed us there is heavy snow and we may need a jumper when we get outside (whatever that means, crazy Brits). Wish me warm thoughts it's been a while. I'm pretty sure I don't remember what cold feels like. Until next time folks.


Micaela said...

RONEETTTTTT I love your posts-just caught up! I can imagine you in every situation and its so fun and makes me smile so much! I love you and cant wait to talk on the phone! safe travels!
ps-guy hates shows?

Guy said...

Yes I do.

What can I say.. Nobody is porfect... I found the wrong girlfriend.. (or she found the bed boy-friend).