Thursday, August 28, 2008

Yesterady's Hungarian Adventures (aka #2)

Yesterday was a far more productive day than i have ever spent Hungary (6 days all together now). I wanted to get up early and see everything i circled in my handy dandy tourist brochure but instead slept till 11, sat on the computer for an hour or so, ate something, blah blah blah......
Either way i decided i was getting out of the house even if it was for just an hour so (baby steps right?) So i left the house around noon.
I walked out side in with plans to find the theater. Instead i took my time wandering down different streets and into interesting looking shops. I never realised how much i love doing that until i got to new york and found myself with nothing to do in union square once a week. I forgot i love this until yesterday why didn't i think of it sooner? Anyway i found some clothes shopps with traditional hungarian garb, i found a beautiful little imported things shop (no idea what else to call it) with masks from venice little faries from Angol (which i later discvered meant england) and other such little gnomes and bears and sparkly things. I found a joke shop, and bought some fruite at a grocery store, a church, and eventaullay the theater as well.
I learned that people really do say what sounds like "see ya!" and really means "good day!" when they greet someone. The man in the pretty store confused me a little. I walked in he said "See ya" and when i walked out he said "Ha-lo" either i'm confused or this place is a little backwards hmmmm........
The grocery store was also an interesting experiance. we were out of fruite at home so i figured why not buy some. Guy taught me the numbers to ten the night before so i knew to ask for 3 and i figured i would just point to the peaches and nectarines. The lady i'm sure thought i was stupid. She looked at me and i followed my plan: pointing to the fruites and saying "Harom?" and showing 3 fingers. Of course i did not think any further than that and when she asked me something in fast hungarian i just kept smiling and pointing to the frute and saying "harom?" I'm sure the lady was thinking something a long the lines of ..."you stupid foreginer. great! you can say 3! what? you want a cookie or something?" The fruite was supposed to cost 521 forent i pulled 520 and she didn't bother about the last forent (nevermind the fact its not worth a goddamn thing, the price is about 2$). Your the ones who can't speak english! don't you be snooty with me! (i'm really not that elitest and intolerant of others)
The church was a random find. I was walking down a pedestrian street and saw above the trees these two yellow clock towers they were quite beautiful so i took a picture of them. As i walked closer i saw that they were connected to a church which was also rather gorgeouse inside. I took some pictures but had to jet out when i phone started to ring. of course.
The theater was also rather beautiful at first i couldn't figure out if it was a church or the theater, the outside was adorned with statutes, after reading my handy dandy tourist brochure i foud out that they are statues of the theater and dance muses (none that i have ever heard of mind you perhapse they are hungarian). I was excited to go inside and take pictures of this old theaters house but unfortunatly it wasn't open ot the public because there were people rehearsing in there. I thought maybe i would pull the American acting student card but that didn't work either. For about a second i thought maybe i would see a show but then the season doesn't start until september 19th. Oh well.
After that i figured i would go home. I didn't even get lost once!!!
Later in the afternoon after the boys came home a amn came by he we learned was from the internet company (this internet is stolen shhhh). We weren't exactly sure what he wanted and the fact that he didn't speak a lick of english didn't help him him explain himself. In the end he checked a couple of things after going back and forth from the car about 4 times, Guy signed something and he left. We learned that maybe we should be more careful about things we sign. anyway that was pretty much the day. I helped guy study his hungarian a little and then we went to sleep.

Today i plan to go out again, there is a tree listed in the handy dandy tourist brochure and i have no idea why, so i thought maybe i would check out what is just so fantastic about this tree. Also Guy's teacher mentioned that there is a Jewish music festival going on in Budapest so we might go there over the weekend.

Well i guess i will head out. I'll let you know how it goes.

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